To assess the noise impact and suitability of proposed on-site works, our team can generate Construction Management Plans. These combine our knowledge of Standards and Regulations, with hands-on experience of noise, dust and vibration monitoring at landmark sites throughout the UK.

We will engage with the Client prior to commencing any on-site operations.

This is in order to understand the phases of the project, and what each phase involves in terms of equipment, duration of works and adjacency of noise-sensitive, or vibration-sensitive receivers.

Our experience has been acquired from working in projects of varying nature and significance in terms of sensitivity to noise and vibration. And it’s this growing knowledge base that injects an element of pragmatism in the way we handle this type of service.

We will help contractors tick all the boxes in terms of compliance concerning the requirements of Local Authorities and Regulations. And we will ensure that all neighbouring receivers have peace of mind in terms of what they are not going to hear and feel during the duration of the site works.

Within our assessment, we will also detail practical mitigation measures that may be required to protect nearby residents from noise, vibration and dust exposure, and put this information in a robust management plan.

  • Our services include the following elements:
  • Baseline Noise or Vibration Survey
  • Detailed analysis of all noise and vibration data
  • Prediction of noise and vibration at the nearest receivers
  • Proposal of a full noise and vibration control strategy
  • Noise mapping
  • Predictions of groundborne vibration

Please call us and our acoustic consultants will be able to help you

Alternatively, please email us

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