Architectural Acoustic Design

Creating a development’s acoustic identity is an applied art. This is where our robust, accurate approach in designing interior soundscapes makes the critical difference. Allowing us to balance aesthetic and architectural aspirations with any construction constraints.

Combine the laws of acoustics and current Guidance with Clients’ expectations, and heated discussions often arise.

But however challenging the factors, our objective for the sound design of a space remains simple: to create an excellent acoustic identity based on bespoke acoustic advice.

Design principles

We believe in providing viable acoustic design that is strong and thorough; leaving no room for errors. At site inspections, members of the design team discuss construction options and solutions in full accordance with the project’s aims.

Our expertise in architectural acoustic design allows us to specialise in the following sectors:

  • New-build residential schemes, conversions or listed properties
  • High-end residential projects (new-build or refurbishments)
  • Education (schools, universities, special needs schools)
  • Health (health centres, hospitals)
  • Office and retail spaces (mixed-use developments)
  • Places of worship
  • Courts and prisons
  • Gyms and hotels
  • TV/music studios, cinemas and performance spaces

Standards and guidelines

Areas of architectural acoustic design that we always focus on are:

  • Specification of External Building Fabric (glazed and non-glazed) to minimise noise break-in, or break-out
  • Acoustic design review of Internal Building Fabric for privacy and overall acoustic quality
  • Soundscapes for demanding environments (e.g. yachts, noise-havens)
  • Investigation of room acoustics for a large spectrum of scenarios (recording studios, multi-use/commercial/co-working/education spaces, offices and auditoria)

With every project, we take into account design standards and assessment guidelines such as:

  • Building Regulations Approved Document E
  • Building Bulleting 93 (BB93) Acoustic Design of Schools
  • BS8233 ‘Sound insulation and noise reduction for buildings – Code of Practice’
  • Health Technical Memorandum 08-01
  • British Council for Offices

Please call us and our acoustic consultants will able to help you

Alternatively, please email us


Residential & Hotel





Noise, Vibration and Dust Monitoring


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