Smart Noise and Vibration Control

Our team of acoustic consultants can provide specialised advice for a wide range of noise and vibration control scenarios, often required for facilities involving high precision equipment, or critical infrastructure.

These scenarios range from industrial noise control to specialised applications including:

Vibration control in medical laboratories, metrology laboratories, high-precision manufacturing facilities, seismic and blast isolation for critical infrastructure, and off-shore environments.

Our approach is systematic and encompasses the assessment of three main elements:

  • Source – always the first investigation, as it assists in gathering information on the noise and vibration profile that needs to be assessed
  • Transmission path – this requires careful investigation in order to assess whether it reduces, or enhances, the noise and vibration disturbance
  • Receiver – measuring noise and vibration at the receiver point provides useful information and injects a pragmatic angle into the assessment procedure

Once the measurement is complete, a bespoke noise and vibration control strategy can then be applied at all points along this transfer chain. The proposed solutions, however, are anything but certain. These will depend on the type of source, the constraints imposed by the transfer path and the required noise and vibration levels at the receiver.

Our team has acquired extensive experience in noise and vibration control scenarios such as:

  • Gym floors, including heavyweight training areas
  • Development of sensitive spaces (commercial, residential, medical, educational) adjacent to Underground Train Lines, or large entertainment venues
  • High-precision microscopy units for the automotive and manufacturing industry
  • Laboratories in IVF clinics
  • Industrial noise and vibration control (Air Handling Units, Pump Sets, Extract Fans, Pipework, Ducting, HVAC)
  • Helipads on commercial buildings

Our expertise is your guarantee that the proposed noise or vibration control strategy is viable, and it will provide tangible and measurable results.

Please call us and our acoustic consultants will able to help you

Alternatively, please email us


Residential & Hotel





Noise, Vibration and Dust Monitoring


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