Noise and Vibration Impact Assessments

We carry out these assessments, which are required by Local Authorities, to confirm that noise and vibration levels (internally, or externally) will not be an intrusive nuisance to noise-sensitive receivers such as domestic premises, hotels, educational institutions and hospitals.

A Noise Impact Assessment will be required by a Local Authority in order to ensure that noise emissions coming either from fixed plant units (e.g. air-conditioning, extract fans, AHUs), or from a specific indoor or outdoor operation (e.g. place of worship, dance schools, live music venues, restaurants, pubs, nightclubs, concerts, outdoor sporting or industrial operations) will not be intrusive.

These noise emissions should also not cause noise nuisance to the closest, noise-sensitive receivers.

The first step in a Noise Impact Assessment is the undertaking of an environmental noise survey (manual, or automated). This enables the appraisal of the noise source under investigation, or the background noise profile of the area that is being assessed. If vibration is a factor that needs to be assessed, then vibration measurements will also accompany the noise measurements, either in the form of a manual, or automated survey.

All acquired data is then analysed and its statistical trends would be compared to relevant Standards and Good Practice Documents, such as BS8233, WHO Guidelines for Community Noise, BS4142, or BS6472.

The final step in the process involves the preparation of a noise and vibration impact assessment report. This would assist in discharging all relevant planning conditions – including the proposal of a suitable noise and vibration control strategy.

Please call us and our acoustic consultants will able to help you

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